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Signs that you belong to Gen Z

Gen Z [,dʒen. zɛd]: short for Generation Z, is the generation born from mid-to-late 1990s to the early 2010s. How do you know if you're truly Gen Z? Here are the 10 signs.

1. Sarcastic humor

What differs Gen Z from Millennials is their humor. Gen Z, is not serious, but very serious at the same time. Due to political turmoil, social injustices, climate change, economic hardships, Gen Z has sarcastic humor, as a coping measure for these problems.

2. Their ✨aesthetic✨

Gen Z LOVES anything aesthetically pleasing. In a gig economy, everyone is trying to built their own brand, so a distinct style is almost required. The increased presence of social media has also resulted in people trying to look better on camera, so everyone has their own aesthetic. A very distinctly Gen Z aesthetic is ✨the sparkling emoji✨

3. Lights... Camera!

Food? Take a picture! Going out? Take a picture. At home? Take a picture (very common due to the pandemic lol). But on their Instagram pages? 3 pictures (AT MOST!!). The thousand other pictures either goes to the trash bin, or in the archives.

4. Quirkiness

Gen Z'ers are all united by the fact that... they are all different. No one is the same as anyone, and no one wants to be the same as anyone. No Gen Z'er follows contemporary trends, and always try to differentiate themselves from the crowd to affirm themselves as individuals.

5. Not doing it unless I want to.

Hardly any Gen Z'er actually follows schedules or isn't late with their deadline. We're not doing any work unless we want to, or in a lot of cases have to.

6. They speak like this

Contrary to popular belief, no, we don't use Gen Z slang in everyday life. That would be VERY cringy. But yeah, we do use expressions such as "I stan!", "This is sending me" or "Cancelled"

In Vietnam, Gen Z'ers have also developed their own language, which is also called ''teen code"

e.g.: T thực sự khum hỉu sao mí đứa hay nói kỉu này lun á? Teen code sao đau đầu quá…

7. They laugh like this

😂😂 lolz (FYI: laugh-cry emoji is used ironically, but so often used it has become post-ironic)

8. Full of introverts

Gen Z'ers and their phones are stuck together with Gorilla glue, so naturally, Gen Z'ers are more reclusive and introverted compared to other generations.

9. Digital natives

While Gen X'ers and Baby Boomers struggle with the internet, and Millennials were digital pioneers, Gen Z'ers were born with a phone in hand and the internet at their dispense. They are the first generation to be born entirely in the digital era.

10. Political progressiveness

Because every piece of information is at their fingertips, Gen Z is undeniably the most knowledgeable and progressive generation. Gen Z'ers, despite being relatively young, have developed social consciousness, and are much more aware of issues regarding racism, sexism, homophobia, climate change, etc.

*This post is just for laughs, please take this with a grain of salt!

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