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What some parents need to understand

Parenting as a Long-term Commitment

So many parents need to understand this: raising children is a full-time responsibility. They must know how to discipline their children correctly, provide shelter, education, and food. As children are highly dependent on them for resources, parents should never, ever guilt-trip their children or berate them into reciprocating their fulfillment of such an obligation. Remember, your children have no say as to which household they were born into, and thus, putting pressure on them to take care of you in the future is very damaging for their mental health.

Every child is a unique individual, complete with their own aspirations and wishes. They deserve to lead the life that they want to in the future so they can blossom into human beings with the right moral values and judgment. Thus, parents should not use their children as a means to fulfill their aspirations from the past and live through them.

Parents need to try and understand their children.

Whenever you see that your child is sad, or trying to talk to you about something, don't discourage them or turn them away. Don't think your child is only having "kid issues" that they'll get over quickly. Studies from Stanford University show that children as young as 12-year old use more complex thinking focused on personal decision-making in school and at home, begin to question authority and society's standards, and form their own opinion and topic. Your child is as capable as your co-worker is having serious problems and issues they want to talk about. If you are a parent, please don't make light of their problems and believe them.

Parents need to give kids some space and freedom

Giving your children space and freedom allows them to expose themselves to different experiences and things that will be important to them later on in life. I had so many experiences that my peers never experienced, so much fun and so many lessons that my parents couldn't possibly give. Parents can't protect their children all the time and need to let them make their own choices in an adult manner even if it means putting them at risk, giving the child the independence need for life. It's okay to let go once in a while.

Parents need to respect and trust their children

Respect and treat your kid like how'd you treat an adult. Your children aren't your possession for you to keep and do whatever you want with them. Respect their secrecy. Children have things that they're embarrassed about and want to hide from their parents and that's okay. Understand and respect that.

What we all need to take away

To parents or future parents: Love, care and understand your children. Let them grow into their own person and don't try to force your vision and ideas on them. And to the children reading: Appreciate your parents, but don't let them gaslight or diminish you. Call out where you think your parents are wrong and try to have a conversation with them. Know that you are a person of your own.

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